Project News

New papers available!

Although ENERGISE project ended at the end of 2019, researchers are still active in analysing its results. At the moment, 3 new papers are available below. All of them are open access, thus the entire version of the papers can be read for free:

Want to keep in touch? Join SCORAI Europe!

In some ways, the ENERGISE project is an offspring of SCORAI Europe. Several researchers and practitioners in the ENERGISE project consortium as well as the ENERGISE Expert Panel have been long-term members of the SCORAI Europe community and have also been actively involved in the work of the organizing committee. So, what is SCORAI Europe?

ENERGISE policy briefs

One of the aims of the ENERGISE project was to integrate, synthesise and translate ENERGISE findings for public- and private-sector decision-makers and practitioners, delivering research-led recommendations for further advancing the Energy Union.