The ENERGISE project public output documents can be downloaded from here:
WP1 - Conceptual Framework:
- Guidelines for ENERGISE good practice, ethics and data collection (D1.1) - This document provides good practice guidelines for ENERGISE consortium members concerning research design and implementation, ethical standards and key aspects of data collection, including sampling, participant recruitment and community involvement.
- Framework document for ENERGISE team (D1.2) - Everyday practices, cultural conventions and energy use: researching new opportunities for reducing domestic energy use in Europe. This deliverable involves the production of the ENERGISE conceptual framework based on work completed in Stage 1.
- Updated ENERGISE conceptual framework document (D1.3): Everyday practices, cultural conventions and energy use: researching new opportunities for reducing domestic energy use in Europe -This deliverable is the revision of the ENERGISE conceptual framework, prepared following the successful conclusion of the ENERGISE empirical work.
WP2 - Typologies of Energy Initiatives:
- Catalogue of existing good practice examples of programmes and interventions (D2.1) - This document summarizes diverse case studies of 1000+ Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives in 30 countries across Europe (EU 28, Switzerland, Norway).
- Identification of key success factors and related indicators (D2.2) - This document provides a background report on the process of identifying key success factors and related indicators for existing Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives (SECIs) across Europe. The report provides a detailed account of data collection to carefully identify and assess relevant dynamics of SECIs pertinent to the understanding of the individual, collective, organisational and institutional aspects of consumption change.
- Comprehensive Open Access Dataset of Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiativies (SECIs) (D2.3) - This document provides a background report on the process and result of developing and constructing a comprehensive open access dataset of sustainable energy consumption initiatives (SECIs) that have been collected and assessed as part of Work Package 2.
- Constructions of Typologies of Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives (SECIs) (D2.4) - This document provides a background report of the process of constructing typologies of Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives (SECIs) as part of WP2 of the ENERGISE Project.
- Production of 30 National Summary Briefs (D2.5) - This document provides an overview of national energy and supply dynamics across 30 European countries. The Deliverable encompasses reviews of the current state of the art and existing trends in national energy policies, energy systems and energy campaigns in each of the 30 countries.
- Executive summary
- Full deliverable
- Read the 30 European country briefs one by one HERE
- Typology Reports of Results for WP6 and WP7 (D2.6) - This document provides four summary reports of WP2. After a brief introduction to this deliverable (section 1), section 2 provides short summaries of the form, function and results of all the previous WP2 Deliverables (D2.1, D2.2, D2.3, D2.4 and D2.5). Section 3 provides a summary of policy implications of the results, as well as corresponding recommendations. Section 4 provides a summary of academic publications coming out of WP2, and section 5 presents a summary of current and future work with disseminating WP2 results to wider, public audiences.
WP3 - Designing Living Labs:
- Good practice report: capturing cross-cultural interventions (D3.1) - This document identifies ENERGISE Living Labs interventions that work across energy cultures and are adaptable to different infrastructures and socio-economic conditions across the EU. This work builds on the results of the tipologies of energy initiatives and a careful and critical analysis which will engage the ENERGISE Programme Board and members of the Expert Panel.
- ENERGISE Living Labs background report (D3.2) - This document introduces and describes initial designs for ENERGISE Living Labs by drawing on practice-based approaches in living labs, as well as previous experience on initiatives that aim to change energy-related household practices. The document also briefly discusses the prerequisites that the design poses for potential target groups and the sites in which the ELLs are to be implemented later in the ENERGISE project.
- ENERGISE Living Labs workshop report (D3.3) - This report presents the discussions and outcomes of ENERGISE Living Labs workshop. The aim of the workshop was the co-creation and co-design of the ELLs with stakeholders that represent business and the public sector, including several organisations supporting local ELL implementation, in order to ensure the incorporation of as diverse as possible views in the design of the ELLs.
- ENERGISE Living Labs evaluation and assessment manual (D3.5) - This deliverable presents the ENERGISE Living Lab (ELL) evaluation and assessment manual, which is to serve as a Sustainability Assessment Toolkit (SAT) that includes output, outcome and impact indicators, as well as detailed methods for baseline definition and identification of rebound and spin-off effects. It also provides a draft version of evaluation tools to be refined on the basis of the ELL experiences and to be published for use by later projects.
- Online tools and user community for scaling up ENERGISE Living Labs (D3.6) - Online tools and user community for scaling up ENERGISE Living Labs. Based on the feedback obtained from WP4 and WP5 and continual engagement with the Programme Board and the expert panel, online tools and an online user community are developed for scaling up, designing, implementing and evaluating a host of ENERGISE Living Labs across Europe.
- Interventions and engagement in ENERGISE Living Labs (D3.6) - Policy brief and recommendations
- Scalable designs and best-pracice ENERGISE Living Labs for European energy cultures (D3.6) - Policy brief and recommendations
WP4 - ENERGISE Living Labs:
- ENERGISE Online Monitoring Platform (D4.2) - The ENERGISE Online Monitoring Platform was specifically developed to monitor the experiences and energy use of the, in total, 320 ENERGISE Living Lab (ELL) participants who will take part in the 16 ELLs across eight countries in the second half of 2018.
- Harvesting ENERGISE Living Labs experiences (D4.4) - This report covers partners’ experiences regarding the preparation and implementation of ELLs, including participant feedback, paying particular attention to gender issues, and reflections by external partners; the report also addresses the possible continuation of (some of) the ELL measures.
WP5 - Comparing Energy Cultures:
- Overview of collective conventions, governing frameworks and material systems (D5.1) - Overview of collective conventions, governing frameworks and material systems in relation to energy-using practices, with a focus on laundry and heating; across eight European countries
- Report on analysis of ENERGISE Living Labs (D5.2) - The aim of this report is to uncover how and in what way the ENERGISE Living Labs (ELLs) contributed to a change in practices related to heating and laundry, across over three hundred households in eight European countries.
WP6 - Policy Integration:
- Integrating Social Sciences Research with EU Energy Policy-Making / Policy Brief and Recommendations (D6.1) - The background to this briefing concerns the effectiveness of EU and national member state policies to realise the energy transition and how best to understand and to tackle the social and technical challenges which need to be overcome in order to do so. Fundamental issues involve the integration of energy policy with other EU and national policies, the integration of social scientific knowledge with that generated by science disciplines and how such findings inform EU energy policy-making.
- Policy briefing 2 (D6.2): Guidelines for developing and implementing national and local energy consumption interventions - The briefing outlines the policy-relevant findings from work packages so far conducted on the ENERGISE project. It summaries lessons learned about developing and implementing sustainable energy consumption initiatives in the EU and discusses the policy framing of different types of sustainable energy consumption initiatives. The report reflects on the design and implementation of ENERGISE Living Labs, taking into account the analysis of cross-country data on energy use practices in eight countries.
- Policy briefing 3 (D6.3) ENERGISE Findings and Policy Implications
- Policy Report 1 (D6.4) - The deliverable reviews the state of the art concerning energy policy integration in the EU, focusing on the integration of social science and humanities within EU energy research and policy-making. Central to the report is the application of the concept of sociotechnical imaginaries, which is employed to analyse prevailing approaches to integrating knowledge from social sciences with energy research and policy-making in the EU.
- Policy Report 2 (D6.5) - Good Practice Guidelines for Developing and Implementing Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives in the EU
- Policy Paper 3 (D6.6) Synthesis and Translation of ENERGISE Results
- Workshop Proceedings Report (I) (D6.7) - This deliverable reports on a workshop held in relation to Work Package 6 (Policy Integration), held in Copenhagen in June 2018. The workshop was attended by members of the ENERGISE project’s Policy and Decision-making Forum (PDF) and facilitated by staff from WP6 lead partner Kingston University London.
- Workshop Proceedings Report (II) (D6.8) - This document reports on the proceedings of an online workshop held in January 2019 for the ENERGISE project. The document is prepared as a deliverable from Work Package 6, which is on policy integration.
- Workshop Proceedings Report (III) (D6.9) - This report summarizes the proceedings of a face to face workshop held at the final ENERGISE conference in October 2019 in Barcelona. The workshop revolved around the policy implications and synthesis and translation of learning from ENERGISE.
WP7 - Dissemination - Communication - Exploitation:
- Communication and Dissemination Plan (D7.1) - This document ensures that all communication and dissemination needs from various work packages and the project in general are considered and coordinated. The document covers review and mapping of stakeholders at European, national and local levels, timing of communication and dissemination activities, media channels, and division of tasks between partners.
- ENERGISE Newsletters (D7.5) - This deliverable is a catalogue of the ENERGISE newsletters. During the project, 6 regular and 2 special issues were published. The special issues were specifically designed to promote the ENERGISE project final conference and ENERGISE publications.
All newsletters are also available at: - Guidelines for using website, online tools and platforms (D7.6) - Guidelines for using the ENERGISE website, online tools and other platforms developed in the project
- Data privacy statement for website online tools (D7.7) - Data privacy statement for website online tools of the ENERGISE project
- ENERGISE Press Releases (D7.8) - This deliverable is a catalogue of press releases issued during the ENERGISE project. The Consortium issued four main press releases at important milestones during the project, all of which had central and local versions. In addition, local press releases were issued at the completion of the ENERGISE Living Labs.
All press releases are also available at: - ENERGISE Press and media coverage report (D7.9) - This deliverable provides an overview of the more than 500 press and media appearances, including presentations at non-academic events, workshops and discussions organized, etc. completed by the members of the ENERGISE Consortium during the course of the project.
- Academic publication strategy guidance document (D7.10) -This document focuses on ‘academic’ publications and summarises the ENERGISE consortium’s commitment to developing peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and reports, contributions to academic conferences as well as organising ENERGISE research ssessions at scientific efents. This report also outlines guidance on good authorship practice.
- Catalogue of all presentations and publications (D7.11) - This deliverable contains a list of all publications and presentations undertaken during the course of the ENERGISE project.
To find specific ENERGISE publications, please visit: - ENERGISE Living Labs - Methodology, experience and lessons learned (D7.12) - Project brochure on Living Labs methodology
- The ENERGISE Project Summary Handbook: Involving Households in Energy Change (D7.13) - This handbook provides a summary of the ENERGISE project from theory through implementation and analysis to recommendations for policy, research and practice.
- International Closing Conference (D7.14) - This document summarizes the main features of the International Closing Conference held on 15th October 2019 of the ENERGISE project