Slovenian ENERGISE project partner Focus, together with environmental organisation Umanotera, is implementing activities for promotion of community-based management of life resources since 2016.
Community-based management of life resources emphasizes horizontal relationships (participatory management), sustainable paradigm of development and interests of the community. One of the focus fields is the so called community power or community energy, which assumes that communities and citizens are the owners or participate in dispersed renewable energy production, activities for reduction and efficient use of energy, community purchasing of energy and community management of the electricity grid. Such practices allow the exploitation of local energy resources, energy independence, creation of savings, development of quality local jobs and mobilization of communities and their investments. Benefits of projects remain in the community. Community energy projects are part of a sustainable and fair energy transition towards structural change of the energy sector.
In Slovenia, community energy is still in its infancy. However, there is one cooperative small hydro power plant, Krajcarca in Gorenjska, and some examples of district heating with biomass, which do not have a cooperative structure, but it was necessary to engage the whole local community in the project. Focus and Umanotera developed, in a participative manner, a plan for community energy project in Nova Gorica. With the municipality of Nova Gorica it has been agreed that a photovoltaic power plant will be put on the roof of the municipality or the kindergarten. Activities for establishing an energy community are on the way and local people are joining the enterprise. All local stakeholders expressed interest for taking part in the project.
Experience so far shows that there is considerable tendency of individuals in Slovenia to contribute to the community. Yet there is a lack of knowledge and experience with community projects and lack of funds for their implementation, both of which represent a key barrier for expansion of community practices. As a key factor for the success of community projects it is necessary to highlight competence and activeness of community members.
Lidija Živčič, Tomislav Tkalec , Focus Association for Sustainable Development
Karba, R. and Tkalec, T. 2018. Skupnostno upravljanje z življenjskimi viri. Forthcoming.