The final conference of the ENERGISE project was organized in Barcelona and preceded the ERSCP 2019 conference. It was designed to communicate and disseminate the project results, as well as to link and exchange information with researcher and expert communities engaged in similar projects. The conference was attended by academics, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, students, business representatives, NGO representatives and others. The conference programme included presentations from ENERGISE team members as well as a policy-orientated session with contributions from 5 ‘sister’ projects (i.e. other EU H2020-funded projects with similar aims and objectives).
Audience of the conference
Edina Vadovics (GDI) presenting about communication and dissemination
Gary Goggins (NUIG) summarizing the project
A Policy and Decision-making Forum (PDF) in the afternoon considered the policy implications of ENERGISE, which were elaborated on in a panel discussion with contributions from the ENERGISE Expert Panel, H2020 sister projects and reflections from members of the audience. The outcomes of the PDF workshop are presented in a separate project deliverable (D6.9). The programme concluded with the official launch of the ENERGISE book ‘Energy Demand Challenges in Europe’ by Dr Sylvia Lorek, Sustainable Europe Research Institute Germany and ENERGISE Expert Panel member.
To conclude the event, a video explaining the aims and objectives of the ENERGISE project was also launched.
Gary Goggins (NUIG) and Edina Vadovics (GDI)