Tomislav Tkalec

Tomislav Tkalec

Tomislav Tkalec is the energy programme coordinator in Focus. His work is mainly focused on topics of energy efficiency, renewables, distributed electricity generation, energy poverty, community energy projects, community management of natural resources, problems of fossil fuels and nuclear energy, energy policies, and participatory processes.

He worked on EU projects, such as FP7 funded EJOLT, IEE funded ACHIEVE and REACH, and many regional and national projects. He is also coordinator of the Sustainable Energy Working Group in the national network of environmental organizations Plan B.

Apart from practical and research projects, he has also experience in policy work, educationl and awareness raising activities, networking with various actors, communication with media and organization of campaigns and events. He has been involved in several processes for deceloping national and EU legislation in the field of energy efficiency and renewables. Regarding energy poverty, he has experience in working on developing solutions on practical and structural level through IEE projects ACHIEVE and REACH. His thesis Political aspects of decentralization of electricity generation earned him a PhD in Environment Protection at University of Ljubljana in 2016. He has a BA degree in Political Science, Faculty for Social Sciences, Ljubljana, 2008.