The ENERGISE Consortium prepared a variety of resources about the ENERGISE Living Labs. There are two basic types:
- summary publications that provide an overview of the methods, experience and lessons learnt. There is a handbook that summarizes this for the all the 8 countries that implemented ENERGISE Living Labs, as well as local versions;
- materials and tools - surveys, interview guides, tips, etc. - used for the implementation of the ENERGISE Living Labs.
Below, you can find publications in both categories.
ENERGISE Living Labs - Methodology, Experience and Lessons Learned
Local handbooks in local languages:
The implementation of the ENERGISE Living Labs (ELL) required the collection of large amounts of data. Information to ELL participants and data collection had different sources and methods, including surveys, information sheets, interviews, leaflets, diaries etc. Here you can find the materials used during the accomplishment of the Living Labs:
- Recruitment Survey - ensured that a diverse set of people was recruited and that applicants had the necessary equipment to participate;
- Baseline Survey - the aim of the baseline questionnaire was to gain an overview of the household’s energy routines and viewpoints before the start of the ENERGISE Living Lab;
- Information Sheet and Informed Consent Form - introduced the project details (contact information, purpose of the research, benefits and risks etc.) and a consent form to be signed by the participants;
- Washing Diary - to collect data about the temperature and energy consumption of washing, time and load of washing etc.
- Temperature Diary - to collect data about indoor temperature and the level of comfort;
- Ironing Diary - to collect data about ironing, including the date, time, setting and duration of ironing;
- Drying Diary - to collect data about the date, time, temperature, duration, ownership of the machine, and electricity need of drying;
- Deliberation interview - it covered guidelines for preparing the in-depth deliberation interview with individual ELL participants;
- Deliberation focus group - it covered guidelines for preparing the deliberation meeting with focus group participants;
- Laundry Challenge Leaflet - provided useful information about the challenge itself, the laundry challenge kit each participant received, and gave tips & tricks for energy-efficient washing;
- Heating Challenge Leaflet - informed about the heating challenge, introduced the challenge kit each participant received, as well as gave tips & tricks to reduce indoor temperature;
- Laundry Challenge Card - ELL participants indicated their laundry challenge on this card at the beginning of ELLs;
- Heating Challenge Card - ELL participants indicated their heating challenge on this card at the beginning of ELLs;
- Weekly Survey - to track changes in laundry and heating routines and associated energy use;
- Reflection interview - it covered guidelines for preparing the in-depth reflection interview with individual ELL participants;
- Reflection focus group - it covered guidelines for preparing the reflection meeting with focus group participants;
- Closing Survey - was filled in at the end of the two challenges by participants;
- Follow-up Survey - was filled in three months after finishing the challenges to collect information about the changes achieved during the challenges.
If you wish to learn more about the step-by-step implementation, please visit or read our corresponding deliverable (D3.6) at .