Welcome to the ENERGISE SECI Database!
This database displays over 1000 Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives (SECIs) that corresponds to the ENERGISE definition of household oriented sustainable energy consumption initiatives1. The map shows the national origin of the SECIs and you can explore the content and objectives of each SECI by clicking on individual countries. Filters are provided so that you can search by scale, country and problem framing. Please note that ENERGISE does not endorse any of the enterprises listed.
You can read more about the background of the Database here (D2.1, D2.2)
You can read more about the background of the Filters provided here (D2.4)
Note: The database provides descriptive information about content and scale of the SECIs as well as analytical information about the type of the SECIs according to the ENERGISE Problem Framing Typology. The dataset therefore does NOT represent an evaluation of the merits or otherwise of any particular SECI.
How to use the database
There are a number of ways for you to interact with the dataset and find out what is going on in the 30 European countries. Below are a few examples of how you can navigate the database.
Exploring the map:
A simple way to use the dataset is to explore the map shown on the landing page. The SECIs of each of the 30 countries we have researched are represented by a circle that shows the configuration of the categorised types of SECIs identified in the country. By hovering the cursor over a circle, you can see what country the circle represents and, if filters have been applied, the SECIs that match the search. If you have not applied any filter, the total number of identified SECIs for that country will be shown.
In the example below, the selected country is Denmark, and 36 identified SECIs are shown. Therefore, if you click on the country name, a list of the results for the selected country appears. This list is shown below the map and you can scroll down to learn more about each SECI.
Figure 1 Exploring the map by country
Using the scroll function:
If you scroll down below the map without first choosing a country, a full list of all identified SECIs will be shown. By pressing/hovering over the Name of the SECI, a short description of the SECI will appear. Next to the Name, the Objectives of the SECI are featured. On the right hand side of the list, icons indicate under which category each SECI has been listed according to the Problem Framing Typology. If you want to learn more about a SECI, you can click on the link embedded below the short description.
Figure 2 exploring list of SECI below map
Using the search bars:
In addition to exploring the database via the map, you can use the search bars to find particular types of SECIs related to their Problem Framings or you can search for SECIs that are carried out at different scales or in different countries.
In the following, a few examples on how to navigate the search bars are given:
- If you are interested in exploring SECIs that target everyday life situations when opting for sustainable energy consumption, you can filter by Changes in Everyday Life Situations in Problem Framings.
- If you are interested in exploring SECIs that are carried out at a local scale, and which target everyday life situations when opting for sustainable energy consumption, you can filter Local in Scale and Changes in Everyday Life Situations in Problem Framings (see example in figure below).
Figure 3 Exploring the database through filters
The ENERGISE Open Access Dataset is an attempt to systematically map European SECIs. As part of our work with developing such a dataset, we have had to make some decisions about what to include in the dataset and how to categorise and classify the SECIs that are various in scope, size and content. The methodology and scope of collecting data on European SECIs is presented in ENERGISE D2.2 (Jensen 2017) and the theoretical and methodological steps taken in analysing, classifying and categorizing the SECIs can be found in ENERGISE D2.4 (Jensen et al 2017). Although the ENERGISE Team represents a number of European countries, and language skills related to and knowledge about researching European SECIs have been ensured, we acknowledge that some SECIs might also have been missed during our delimited search and some SECIs might be misrepresented by our classification and categorisation of the SECIs. We therefore welcome feedback and suggestions for updates, and we have included a feature to allow users to submit questions and suggestions directly through the dataset webpage.
We aim to update the ENERGISE Open Access Dataset once a year until year 2020.
The main function of the ENERGISE Open Access Dataset is to 1) display 1000+ SECIs that actively involves households in change processes, as well as to) 2 display ENERGISE’ typological categorisation of the SECIs. The ENERGISE Open Access Dataset does not represent an evaluation of the merits or otherwise of any particular SECI.
Further, please note that inclusion of SECIs in the map is not an endorsement by the ENERGISE project or its partners.
(1) SECIs are defined as activities that deal with reducing energy related CO2emissions from households in terms of reducing the actual energy use, or substituting fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. SECIs also include an active involvement of households.