There have been numerous 'sister' / related initiatives and projects of ENERGISE, a few of them are listed below:
- The NEWCOMERS (New clean energy communities in a changing European energy system) project explores and evaluates a variety of different new clean energy communities. We assess the regulatory, institutional and social conditions which support the emergence and operation of these energy communities as well as their potential for diffusion at national and local levels. - website
- enCOMPASS implements and validates an integrated socio-technical approach to behavioural change for energy saving, by developing innovative user-friendly digital tools for making energy data consumption available and understandable for the different users and stakeholders (residents, employees, pupils, building managers, utilities, ICT providers) empowering them to collaborate to achieve energy savings and manage their energy needs in energy efficient, cost-effective and comfort-preserving ways - website
- Future Earth Knowledge-Action Networks - Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production: this project emphasises the need to address whole provisioning systems, including consumption practices and production conditions, as well as life-cycle impacts and the economic, political, social and cultural imperatives that impel consumerist lifestyles - website
- European Futures for Energy Efficiency (EUFORIE):The project studies energy efficiency from different perspectives by applying methodologies developed in previous EU FP6 and FP7 projects, “Development and Comparison of Sustainability Indicators (DECOIN)” and “Synergies in Multi-scale Inter-Linkages of Eco-social systems (SMILE)” - website
- REScoop PLUS is a European project that looks into energy efficiency as a value adding activity for the REScoops (renewable energy cooperatives). The size and maturity of the cooperatives differ but not their engagement to give their members the possibility to be more energy efficient. The purpose is to propose to all the European cooperatives a toolbox to help them implement more energy efficiency in their cooperative - website
- ECHOES stands for “Energy CHOices supporting the Energy Union and the Set-Plan”. It is a research project that provides a deeper understanding of individual and collective energy-related choices and behaviour to ensure that the Energy Union comes to life in the most efficient and effective way - website
- ENABLE.EU is a research project looking to identify the key factors of energy choices in three areas: transport, heating and cooling, and electricity. The goal is to better grasp the interactions between individual and collective energy choices. It will also provide insight and strategic policy recommendations - website
- ENTRUST focuses on the social dimension of the energy system, moving beyond the ‘energy as a commodity’ paradigm. Developing the concept of energy citizenship, the project takes an intersectional approach to analysing the effects gender, age, and socioeconomic status have on transitioning to a low carbon energy system. It develops tools to support the public dialogue at european level - website
- SHAPE-ENERGY is an innovative platform uniting those who ‘demand’ energy research, because they can use it to develop practical initiatives, with those who ‘supply’ that research. It will create space for these two groups to meet and collaborate in ‘shaping’ the European energy agenda. In order to build a shared understanding of what is needed and what is possible, while stretching collective ambition - website
- PENNY designs scientific experiments in the domain of consumer behaviour in order to improve the development of energy efficiency policies. The project will assess the role played by extrinsic incentives, and also environmental self-identity, social values, bounded rationality, cognitive misperceptions as well as energy literacy in promoting energy efficient behavior - website
- START2ACT project aims to help young SMEs and startups save energy and cut costs at work by introducing simple yet effective energy efficiency measures into their daily routines. To achieve this, we are offering free-of-charge mentorings and training activities in nine European countries - website