Attending the SCORAI 2018 Conference in Copenhagen from the 28th -30th June? If so, please join the ENERGISE team for an ENERGIZING workshop on Friday (29 June) morning which brings together members of the ENERGISE, ENTRUST and SHAPEENERGY research teams. This interactive world cafe style event will explore some often opportunities and challenges involved when trying to spread/diffuse knowledge/best-practices on local energy transitions in policy, academia and wider society.
In addition, you can also join the ENERGISE team hosting a double session on "Participatory methods towards energy sufficiency" on Saturday (30 June) morning. In this session we will be investigating the role households can play in the energy transition, especially with view to reducing overall energy use across the different facets of everyday life. The two sessions include presentations and we will also provide space for discussion. The following presentations have been confirmed (the presenters in bold are ENERGISE team members):
- Charlotte Jensen & Inge Røpke, Reducing energy use for heating homes: What does a systems perspective call for?
- Marlyne Sahakian & Laure Dobigny, From governing behavior to transformative change: a typology of household energy initiatives in Switzerland
- Henrike Rau & Eoin Grealis, Exploring the (in)compatibilities of efficiency & sufficiency thinking in the context of efforts to reduce domestic energy use
- Selma L’Orange Seigo, Matthias Probst, Yann Blumer, Corinne Moser & Michael Stauffacher, Urban living lab/reallabor “Hunziker Areal” in Zurich
- Corinne Moser, Yann Blumer, Michael Stauffacher, Roman Seidl, Uros Tomic & Carmen Kobe, Effective interventions promoting energy-sufficient behavior: how cities & researchers can successfully collaborate in planning, implementation & evaluation
- Edina Vadovics, What can we build on when promoting energy sufficiency? Insights based on visions of European citizens created through a participatory process
To find out more about the SCORAI 2018 conference and to download the programme please visit: