Addressing energy demand challenges through practise-based living lab approaches: policy, planning and practice
Preparations for our final conference on October 15th in Barcelona are well underway, with final touches currently being put in place. This promises to be an interesting and engaging event, which will provide a space for policy-makers, practitioners, academics and businesses to discuss issues and solutions around the event theme ‘Addressing energy demand challenges through practice-based living lab approaches: policy, planning and practice’. This special one-day event will be held in conjunction with the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production ERSCP 2019 conference, which takes place from 15-18 October 2019.
The detailed final event programme is now available, please check and download from here.
We would be grateful if you could register your interest by clicking on the link below.
Click here to register for ENERGISE final conference.
(Attendance is free of charge, but we require registration.)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,
Frances Fahy,
on behalf of the ENERGISE project team.