Background and objectives
EU member states are currently drafting National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) set and required under the EU Governance Regulation. Draft NECPs had to be submitted to the European Commission by the end of 2018. Final NECPs are due by the end of 2019.
There is space in the official NECP template for targets and measures on prosumers and energy communities. It is important that EU member states provide this information. It is also important that national objectives and policies on self-consumption are progressive and contribute effectively to the process of energy transition.
Organised by the EU Horizon 2020 PROSEU project in cooperation with the Community Power Coalition, this webinar will provide general insights on the integration into NECPs of objectives and policies relevant for prosumers and energy communities. It will also provide an assessment of the draft NECPs as well as recommendations to apply and bring forward for the final NECPs.
The link to the webinar on the PROSEU website is here: https://proseu.eu/events?c=search&uid=VsbPIir5
You can register for the webinar here: https://iclei-events.webex.com/iclei-events/onstage/g.php?MTID=ee3f7e0625f79afc752a9c4f41df744e0