Within Work package 2 of ENERGISE, a systematic criteria-guided classification of existing sustainable energy consumption initiatives (SECIs) from 30 European countries made available the most comprehensive database of European sustainable energy consumption initiatives and subsequent development of typologies. 18 months of research and data collection has resulted in six state-of-the-art Deliverables. All of these are available at the ENERGISE website.
On the ENERGISE website you can find:
- A list of 1000+ SECIs focusing on changes in energy consumption levels in households.
- A thorough description of the methodology developed for reviewing and classifying this large set of existing SECIs in Europe. The methodology has been developed on the basis of social scientific approaches that helps us highlight and unpack a range of aspects connected to energy consumption, including cultural, social, discursive and material aspects of SECIs. The methodology particularly focus on unpacking implicit (and multiple) problem framings at play in SECIs, and how these are reproduced in objectives, methods, types, strategies for intervention and (expected) outcomes.
- A thorough description of the conceptual underpinning of the Problem Framing Typology.
- A database showcasing the 1000+ SECIs identified, reviewed and classified according to the Problem Framing Typology exclusively developed for ENERGISE.
You can also find:
- 30 National Briefs that highlight national and local socio-material conditions in energy supply systems, energy consumption levels, energy policy, and energy campaigns. These briefs provide a detailed overview of similarities and differences between countries that are relevant for EU energy policy.
- A short summary-report highlighting policy implications across the result of work package 2, as well as an overview of the work-package’s dissemination efforts.
The following resources are also available about the ENERGISE database:
- At the final conference on the 15th October 2019 in Barcelona, a presentation was held about this topic by Charlotte Louise Jensen, Marko Hajdinjak and Lidija Živčič: WP2: European Sustainability Energy Consumption Initiatives - Database and Typology
- Academic peer-reviewed papers about the outcomes of the typologies can be found in our Publications/Papers menu.
Charlotte Louise Jensen, Aalborg University