Although ENERGISE project ended at the end of 2019, researchers are still active in analysing its results. At the moment, 3 new papers are available below. All of them are open access, thus the entire version of the papers can be read for free:
- Senja Laakso, Charlotte Louise Jensen, Edina Vadovics, Eeva-Lotta Apajalahti, Freja Friis, Anita Szőllőssy: Towards sustainable energy consumption: Challenging heating-related practices in Denmark, Finland, and Hungary
- Kaisa Matschoss, Frances Fahy, Henrike Rau, Julia Backhaus, Gary Goggins, Eoin Grealis, Eva Heiskanen, Tuija Kajoskoski, Senja Laakso, Eeva-Lotta Apajalahti, Audley Genus, Laurence Godin, Marfuga Iskandarova, Annika-Kathrin Musch, Marlyne Sahakian, Christian Scholl, Edina Vadovics & Veronique Vasseur (2021) Challenging practices: experiences from community and individual living lab approaches
- Marlyne Sahakian, Henrike Rau, Eoin Grealis, Laurence Godin, Grégoire Wallenborn, Julia Backhaus, Freja Friis, Audley T Genus, Gary Goggins, Eimear Heaslip, Eva Heiskanen, Marfuga Iskandarova, Charlotte Louise Jensen, Senja Laakso, Annika-Katrin Musch, Christian Scholl, Edina Vadovics, Kristof Vadovics, Véronique Vasseur, Frances Fahy: Challenging social norms to recraft practices: A Living Lab approach to reducing household energy use in eight European countries