GreenDependent Institute is a non-profit research and consultancy organization. One of the aims of the organization is to establish links between research and practice so that important findings can be disseminated, discussed and implemented as soon as possible. For this reason GreenDependent is uniquely placed to implement international projects in Hungary as it has strong links and well-established cooperation networks in the local community, the researcher community, the public and private sector as well as the media nationwide.
GDI will be a member of the project and conduct its activities in Hungary, as it has extensive experience in working with different types of citizens, communities and other stakeholders, and has successfully conducted – either as a lead organization or as a member – numerous research and community projects (e.g. CIMULACT/H2020, CONVERGE/FP7, Small (Carbon)Footprint projects/National, EnergyNeighbourhoods/IEE, Gödöllő Climate Club). GDI has also excellent working relations with municipalities and associations of municipalities that may be essential in the project. GreenDependent is a supporting member of the Alliance of Climate-friendly Municipalities in Hungary, has a cooperation contract with the Alliance of Energy-Efficient Municipalities, and has well-established links with networks of communities, such as the transition towns network. In its previous projects GDI has been able to involve several hundreds of households. In the implementation of such campaigns GDI has cooperated successfully with NGOs, such as the Large Families Association, which provided assistance in reaching and involving households.
GDI has a good working relationship with the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary, and has cooperated with the Council in its Action2020 project, and for several years with its member, the E.ON Hungária Group (see the E.ON EnergyNeighbourhoods project below).
GreenDependent is also a member of the international Resource Cap Coalition, and through its researchers in the SCORAI Europe (Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative) Network.