Presenting the findings from the Finnish ELLs


The findings from the Finnish ELLs have been presented in a number of events in Finland, for example at the Energy Efficiency Working Group expert group on consumers by Eva Heiskanen, in Sustainability Science Day and Annual Meeting of Energy Advisors by Senja Laakso, as well as in Sustainability Transitions Studies: State of the Art and Future Directions -seminar at Aalto University, by Kaisa Matschoss.

The Sustainability Science Days is a conference organized jointly by Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and Aalto Sustainability Hub (ASH). The focus of the days was on the usefulness of sustainability science for decision making on various arenas – the political sphere, companies, and institutions of higher education. The presentation by Laakso was part of the session Understanding, challenging and changing energy practices. The presentation focused on changes in the perceptions of cleanliness and comfort of the Finnish ELL participants.

The Energy Efficiency Working Group is appointed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment to propose measures enabling Finland to achieve the energy savings objectives defined in Article 7 of the revised Energy Efficiency Directive over the 2021–2030 period. The energy efficiency working group is assisted by expert working groups on industry, consumers, services and transport.

The final events of the Finnish ELLs gathered together dozens of people to discuss about sustainable practices and sufficient energy use. The outcomes of the ELLs were also noted in the local media, both in Helsinki and in Porvoo. For more information, see the national ELL web page:

Senja Laakso, Consumer Society Research Centre at the University of Helsinki