ENERGISE Living Labs in the UK


In early 2019 the UK ELLs came to an end with a follow-up survey sent to our participants in February. The UK team concentrated their efforts on analysis of the rich data collected; the National Report for the UK presents some interesting findings. For example, participation in the study led to significant changes in heating awareness and practices of the UK participants. Most of them were able to reduce the indoor temperature and still feel comfortable and warm enough. As a result of the laundry challenge the number of weekly wash cycles went down. Participants started to assess what needed washing more carefully. Some participants pointed to the time-saving benefits of the laundry challenge. The use of washing machines changed in some households (e.g. more use of shorter or energy-efficient programmes, lower temperatures, doing full loads). Many participants are committed to continuing with the new practices as the benefits were obvious to them. Overall, the project was regarded by participants as useful, interesting and enjoyable.

Closing event in the UK
The UK team (Audley Genus and Marfuga Iskandarova) organised a closing ENERGISE event at the White Rock Hotel in Hastings on 25th April 2019. The event was attended by ELL participants (ELL1 & ELL2), representatives of the local implementation partner Energise Sussex Coast, local press and the council.

The researchers presented the preliminary findings based on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data and held an open discussion about people’s experiences with the challenges, reading of the findings and the legacy of the project. Our local partner ESC was running an energy advice desk during the event.
The discussion was followed by lunch and an ENERGISE cake!

The event received a coverage in the local press (Hastings Online Times): http://hastingsonlinetimes.co.uk/hot-topics/energy/households-respond-positively-to-challenge-to-use-less-energy#more-57501

Audley Genus and Iskandarova Marfuga, Kingston University


For information about other country Living Lab events please visit:

  • COMING SOON: a handbook on ENERGISE Living Labs: Methodology, Experience and Lessons Learnt (D7.12). Please look out for news on it on our social media page or website.